Join us on the Sunset Boat Cruise if you are proud to be in Taiwan's city by the sea!
驕傲的港口人類,這根本是只有我們才有的特權,遊艇、DJ、冰涼"飲料" ~ 超開心啊!
We'll board at 4pm and start the open bar immediately. Then we’ll take an epic cruise around the harbor for a few hours while blasting all the best jams to get the dance floor on the upper deck going.
At 7pm, we will dock at Cijin ferry terminal. It's just a 5 minute walk to Cijin Sunset Bar. A FREE BEER or NT$100 off the open bar at Cijin Sunset Bar for boat party attendees.
晚上七點我們將停靠在旗津渡船頭,走路到旗津沙灘吧只要五分鐘!從船上前往沙灘吧的朋友們可享有免費啤酒1瓶 或 暢飲吧100元折價優惠🍻
After Midnight the night is still young and you can join our after-party at Brickyard. FREE ENTRY for boat party attendees! Tickets are Limited, so act fast!
日期 Date: 09.24.2022
集合時間 Meetup Time: 16:00pm
航行時間Cruise Time: 17:00PM - 19:00PM
集合地址 Meetup Place: 新光碼頭 Singuang Ferry Wharf
Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/imzJD5EHikRFwhoV6
路線 Route: 新光碼頭 > 旗津渡輪碼頭 > 旗津沙灘吧
Singuang Ferry Wharf > Cijin Ferry Terminal > Cijin Sunset Bar
預售票 NT$800 presale 現場 NT$1000 at the gate
暢飲品項 4pm-6pm Open bar drink options:
Wine紅酒 |
Cocktails調酒 |
票價包含Ticket includes:
2hr open bar on the boat
Free beer at Cijin Sunset
100$NT discount at Cijin Sunset open bar
FREE ENTRY to Brickyard
團體售票公關 For Large Groups Contact
DJ Gaggo Line: gaggo
Debbie(黛比)Line: debbstherocker
Graham(阿光)Line: grahamdart